Beekeeping has been a part of our lives for decades. We are dedicated to our bees and creating wholesome, natural, and delicious honey products. The honey comes from our own and other trusted beekeepers committed to responsible and ethical beekeeping practices.
The vision for our company is to take locally grown honey and combine it with our own blend of concentrated coffee to form a two ingredient all-natural product with no preservatives or processed sugars. This has been a journey of a lifetime!

Who is Bee10Coffee?
We are Al & Sierra, a beekeeping duo from Florida, and founders of Bee10Coffee. We hope to deliver our customers great tasting beaten coffee paste using pure raw honey and our own blend of concentrated coffee while allocating 10% of our net profits to saving the honeybees.

In Florida, they know Al as the "Bee Guy". He has been the President of the Palm Beach County Beekeepers Association and Vice President of the Florida State Beekeepers Association.
Al dedicates the bulk of his time to saving the bees through commercial beekeeping and live bee removal and relocation from unwanted locations. He also takes the time to educate the public as he goes.
Sierra first fell in love with bees when she received her first beehive from Al in 2014. Sierra now owns Sierra's Bees, where she maintains hundreds of colonies for private clients and country clubs throughout Palm Beach, Broward, and Martin counties in Florida.