Dalgona Coffee Also Known as Whipped Coffee with Bee10coffee

Dalgona Coffee Also Known as Whipped Coffee with Bee10coffee

Dalgona originated in Busan, South Korea and is made using beaten coffee paste. A small amount of water is added to the paste and whipped using a battery powered cream frothier to form a thick whipped cream like coffee foam. This coffee foam is then placed on top of a glass of iced almond or oat milk to create an artful iced coffee drink.


  • 5 oz. Bee10Coffee paste
  • 2 oz. Hot water
  • 8 oz. Oat or almond milk


  1. Add one tablespoonful Bee10Coffee paste and 2 oz. hot water to a coffee mug
  2. Froth using a battery powered cream frother until you achieved a thick whipped cream consistency.
  3. Scoop whipped coffee and place on top of 8 oz. of iced oat or almond milk
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